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46 Very Sexy Ways to Get Horny Real Quick


Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, our brains and our bodies just aren’t on the same page. But if your brain is giving you the green light to hook up with your partner, while your body is saying *do not disturb*, don’t stress. First of all, you’re a multifaceted human, which means you’re normal. There could be several reasons why you’re not getting horny, and guess what? None of them are your fault. But there are a few things you can do to get your engine revving if you’re in the mood to hook up and want to get turned on in a flash.

“Arousal discordance, or a difference between your mental desire for sex and your physical arousal state, is extremely common,” says certified sex therapist Casey Tanner, an expert for Lelo. Any number of factors may be to blame for this horniness disconnect, from stress to medications (hi SSRIs) to hormones (because it always seems to come back to those, doesn’t it?).

Certified sex therapist Dr. Janet Brito, brand ambassador for Beia, says you shouldn’t feel shy about asking for help if you believe there might be an issue with your libido, especially if it’s causing you distress. Dr. Brito agrees that it could be due to a medical issue, but if it’s not, then “then seeking a psychotherapist could help you to uncover emotional blocks or explore relationship barriers that may be impacting your libido.”

Of course, you should never feel pressured to engage in any sort of sexual activity if you don’t want to or aren’t in the mood. We’re just here to help with those times when you do want/need a little extra help getting things started in the bedroom. On that note, here are 46 ways to get horny when your mind is telling you yes, but your body won’t follow suit.

1.Give yourself validation.

First and foremost, be kind to yourself. We know this is frustrating, but try to remember that you are not broken, and there’s nothing wrong with you for not being able to get turned on in a millisecond. Give yourself space to invite arousal in by taking the pressure off of yourself. Try repeating “You are not broken,” or “my body is beautiful,” out loud for a few rounds to help clear your mind and put you in a better, more positive headspace.

2. Practice being assertive IRL, so you can be assertive in the bedroom.

This tip isn’t quite as quick as some of the others, because it will require you to give yourself some TLC over time. But once you master it, you can quickly tap into your assertive nature and use it to your advantage in the bedroom. Sometimes, getting horny can be difficult if you’re not being super clear with your partner about what you want. But we know it can be tricky to communicate your desires if you haven’t practiced before, so…practice! And take that practice outside of the bedroom. Correct the barista when your coffee order comes out wrong instead of dealing with it, or speak up with a contrasting opinion in a meeting at work. Becoming more assertive in other places in your life might allow you to open up about what would truly get you going.

3. Try an intimacy serum.

Think of intimacy serum as a sort of special kind of fancy lube, except these days, plenty of lube companies are upgrading their products to also serve as body care with ingredients like squalane, coconut oil, and aloe vera. “If you have limited time, usea wipe to freshen up before engaging in a self massage with Beia's Body & Intimacy Serum to explore your body,” says Dr. Brito. “The goal is to focus on what body parts feel good to you so that you can teach your partner in the future.”

4. Create a relaxing environment.

Light your favorite candle with sensual scents, dim the lights, and heck, why not try adding a sound machine? Living in tiny apartments or with roommates can be stressful enough; you don’t need to worry about your neighbors listening to your sighs and moans when you finally get into the mood.

5. Download an arousal app.

Yup, there really are apps out there that can help you harness your horniness. If you’re in more of an “I want to learn how to rediscover my sexuality and embrace my eroticism” quest (versus just like, “I need to get off right TF now”), Emjoy is definitely a good place to start. The app’s goal is to help women reach their sexual peaks by learning all about arousal, self-esteem, and desires through personalized, guided journeys. Oh, and there’s also a section where you can listen to sexy stories which is *chef’s kiss* in a pinch.

6. Wear vibrating panties.

Where would we be without vibrating panties? The classic sex toy is a favorite for a reason, and a really good item to have in your arsenal for those times when arousal doesn’t just happen. Murphy suggests wearing a pair when you’re out to dinner with your boo. Give them the remote and by the time you leave the restaurant, you’ll be aching for more.

Feel like staying in? Try wearing them when you’re WFH, making dinner, or simply chilling in the evening. Whatever your location, Murphy says you’ll be surprised how turned on you get by the unexpected, partner-supplied stimulation.

7. Think about a time you were really, really horny.

Sometimes a little risqué reminiscing is all you need to remind yourself that you are, in fact, a sexual being who is capable of horniness. Think back to a time when you were really, really turned on. Maybe it was during a particularly steamy sex sesh, maybe it was an unexpected, mid-day fantasy that had you suddenly reaching for the nearest vibrator. Whatever it is, just thinking about being horny and remembering what it feels like to be in that state of mind can sometimes be enough to actually get you there. IDK, our brains are weird like that!